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Smart Irrigation controller

Saving Water Starts At The Controller

One of the top questions our Irrigation Techs receive is "How do I save water?"  We love when this question comes up, because it is always Master Outdoor Solutions main goal to save water. There are a lot of new advances in the Irrigation world. Especially the addition of Smart controllers. We proudly install Rainbird smart controllers. We always test out new products before we endorse them, and the Rainbird series of smart controllers was proven to be the best. These controllers are known to help save over 30% more water. We really like these controllers because they are easy to use from the app, or at the front panel. We connect to all of the Rainbird smart controllers that we install to help you in the process of saving water.  

I want to start saving water!
Smart Irrgation controller

The Pros Of A Smart Controller

There are a lot of differences between a basic controller, and a smart controller. A huge difference with a smart controller is that you can access it anywhere in the world! Now I know you are asking, why would I need to access my sprinkler system anywhere in the world? It actually comes in more handy than you would think. Forgot to shut your sprinkler system off for the weekend while your at the cabin? No worries you can do so by the app. Don't want to forget to turn it back on? No worries! The app has a delay mode instead of a shut off. Once your delay is up, your irrigation system will start back up on its current schedule. You can choose what notifications you would like to receive from the app, Including but not limited to "Delay Water Enabled, Irrigation Event Complete". A sprinkler system is only as smart as its controller, after all it is the brains of the system. 

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